Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Break Is On the Way!

So I LOVE my job. I enjoy seeing my kids everyday and I have such a sweet, amazing group this year. With that being said, I am soooo ready for Spring Break. I need it. The kids need it. We all need it! By this point in the year they start getting a little tired of each other and the endless amount of tattling ensues. I am counting down the days. I think I have 9 days of school until 10 days off. I have so many plans over break as well. We will go with my parents to church on Easter Sunday and then head to Sumter to have dinner with my in-laws and husband's side of the family. Monday I have a dentist appointment. Wednesday is our 22 week ultrasound and pre-natal appointment. Friday we are taking our nephew, Jack, to see Toy Story 3 on Ice and keeping him for the night. Somewhere in there we are going to finish registering for the rest of the baby stuff we need. So . . . I am looking forward to Spring Break, even if it is going to be extremely busy! I will post the 22 week Ultrasound picture and some belly pics soon. I keep forgetting my camera at school. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend :-)

Friday, March 9, 2012

We're Pregnant! 17 weeks

So I realize it has been almost a year since I have posted anything on our family blog! That is just pitiful :-( Haha! Since we have lots of family and friends who live out of town, I decided I better get on top of these posts to keep everyone updated. Thanks to Facebook, most of you already know that we are expecting our first child in August. Our due date is August 17th. We are VERY excited, happy, terrified, etc. I guess all the basic emotions that most first time parents feel. I am currently 17 weeks so officially in my 2nd trimester and feeling great. My 1st trimester wasn't too bad either. I had some waves of nausea and fatigue, but that is about it. I think teaching 22 six-year-olds contributes to the fatigue, but I was literally a walking zombie for most of my 1st trimester. Thank goodness I have a hubby who is a good cook and helps around the house because I am spent by the time I get home in the afternoons. We had our first Ultrasound in January at about 10 weeks. Everything looked great and the heartbeat was really strong. We decided that we want to be surprised and we aren't going to find out the sex until we deliver. It is so funny how much that drives family and friends crazy! I read somewhere that only 30 percent of expectant parents keep the sex a surprise. Well we are in that 30 percent! My brother-in-law and sister-in-law didn't find out the sex of their boys until they were born and it was so fun hearing everyone's guesses and watching all of the excitement. My students keep saying they think I'm having a boy. I guess we will see in August. I will post some belly pictures soon. I hope everyone has a great weekend!